Physical address:
6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, Bahamas.
Designed to be used with our low profile plastic ducts. The glue creates an instant bond only taking up to 1 minute for a secure strong hold unlike the current method using silicone which takes up to 3 hours to dry.
Instructions –
1. Ensure ducting is cut square and remove burrs.
2. To ensure correct assembly of joint, mark duct at a distance equal to full socket depth.
3. Test fittings for dry fit.
4. Clean Low Profile Duct.
1. Apply DuctTech Instant Contact Glue in full even coats to both surfaces.
Firstly to the inside of socket, then to external surface of pipe end.
2. Immediately assemble, pushing the pipe home to the full depth of the socket.
3. Hold bonded joint in position for at least 1 minute.
4. Do not disturb for 5 minutes.
5. Allow 24 hours curing before testing.
Use within 1 year of opening.
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